Bracking in the Africa Report

Sarah reflects on climate change after the recent KwaZulu-Natal floods in early May 2016.

Bracking, S. (2016, 19 May).  “A good coat, because winters are cold”.  The Africa Report. Accessed at:


[photo credit: Bracking]

As a result of the floods, the local news reported on mud slides, with many of those who lived by the river banks of the informal settlement saw their homes washed away into the the river, then out into the Indian Ocean.  As put in the article, “the poor were busy adapting to fossil fuels, their by-products, and climate change with a mountain of stranded plastic.”  The question posed by academics Wainwright and Mann, ”Whose lives will pay the cost of adaptation to a warming planet?  The Bracking article gives way to who will suffer; the erratic and extreme rainfall are disastrous to those who live with the double consequences of climate change and poverty.